Dan Taulapapa McMullin
b. Sendai, Japan
Lives and works in Hudson, NY
100 Tiki Notes is inspired by the dOCUMENTA(13) Notebooks Series, 100 Notes / 100 Thoughts. McMullin uses the idea of the “note” to explore the ways in which critique is contextualized, with how one can get entangled within one's own critique, or within a critique that one assumes. Investigating the functions or dysfunctions of critique within art, 100 Tiki Notes exposes the nuance of how words assume visual exchange within art exchange.
100 Tiki Notes Video
"100 Tiki Notes," interrogates notions of appropriation and authenticity in relation to Polynesian & Pacific Islander cultural forms and ideas, and how this reflects on "Western" colonialism in art and politics today. It's a way of looking at how we inhabit the past and how the past inhabits us, and questions the ways in which we decide on the forms of the contemporary.